Improved patient outcomes

· Deep, soothing laser therapy provides a drug-free option for enhanced patient care.

· Effective relief of pain, inflammation, and swelling

· Extremely well tolerated by pets

· No known side effects

· May decrease the need for surgery and medications

· Reduces healing time

· Requires no sedation or clipping

· Quick to administer (approximately 3 to 6 minutes per site)

· Allows pet owners to be present and feel that they are participating in the healing process



Applicable for all animals across a wide range of conditions routinely seen in practice.

· Osteoarthritis

· Degenerative joint and disc disease

· Hip dysplasia

· Dermatologic disorders (eg, hot spots, interdigital dermatitis, acral lick granuloma)

· Acute and chronic otitis

· Periodontal disease (eg, feline stomatitis)

· Post-operative healing (eg, to treat incision pain and reduce inflammation before the patient wakes up)

· Acute traumas (eg, sprains or strains without radiographic changes or ruptured ligaments)